Spex Forensic Light Source and AFIS Products

In crime scene and crime lab work, human fingerprints are still a major tool for identifying suspects and bringing them to justice. They are not always readily visible (these are known as patent prints) but often require various techniques such as cyanoacrylate fuming, dyes stains, conventional fingerprint powders, or even fluorescing powders to be able to be photographed, collected (lifted) searched through an AFIS (automated Fingerprint Identification System), and a match confirmed through the ACE-V procedure. These latent prints are where the work of crime scene analysts and certified latent print examiners often become the make-or-break determinant of successfully closing a case.

Today, with DNA as a widely used tool for identification coming to the fore, forensic light sources help find and identify body fluids, bone fragments, and other human biological evidence that can further aid in identifying both victims and perpetrators of crimes. They can be crucial in the analysis and retelling of the story of what really happened to a victim. Forensic light sources also provide evidence in UV and IR fluorescence and reflective analysis of forged or damaged documents


Spex Forensics is one of the oldest manufacturers of Forensic Light sources, Reflected Ultra Violet Imaging systems (RUVIS), fingerprint photographic analysis software, and AFIS computers for this work. Their industry–leading products serve countless laboratories and departments both large and small, and overseas their AFIS systems are the national AFIS for some countries. PhotoBiometrics is proud to be able to help you acquire the right product for your needs from their line of advanced technology forensic products, and train you on their use so that you can make more identifications of perpetrators, and close more cases.Spex Handscope LED Spex MiniCrimescope Advanced Spex Handscope Xenon, a somewhat less expensive portable Forensic Light source using Halogen illumination. Contact Us for details.